Why buy it here?
We strive to create the most beautiful fuel injection systems in the world and it is our goal to be the very best at what we do. We want our customers to feel confident that we're the right company to work with for such a major purchase.
We're not a high-volume manufacturer. In fact, we're a very small shop. Every detail is important to us and every assembly starts with a clean sheet of paper to create an EFI unique to each customer's specifications. We don't have finished assemblies on the shelf ready to ship. Your EFI will be built exclusively FOR YOU.
There are EFI's offered today for under $3,000 and if you buy one, you'll get what you paid for. They are completely made and assembled in China, so you'll get a "Made in China" product. That alone should say enough about the quality. We don't consider those EFI's as our competition. They should be sold in flea markets. Do your homework. You can get more information on any company by putting their name into the search box at https://www.pissedconsumer.com/. You'll find all kinds of feedback about the EFI's made in China. Give it a try and see if you still want to buy one after reading about that company's products and their "customer service" (You will see their score as "82% UNFAVORABLE, 13% FAVORABLE). Still want to buy one?
We don't have an actual pricelist because every order is customized to each individual customer's needs. We can supply just the fuel injection assembly, or everything including the computer and an EFI-compatible ignition system. Generally, most of our EFI assemblies without a computer are in the $7000 range...100% complete and ready for startup. If you need us to supply you with a complete EFI conversion package which is our specialty, that will be in the $9,000 range. Other EFI's are available at lower prices, but we don't compete with any company based on price. Our pricing reflects the level of value and service you can expect to receive. Customer satisfaction is of paramount importance to us. We will always try to exceed expectations.
We understand that converting to an 8-stack EFI can be a scary project for the first-time EFI buyer who knows nothing about EFI. For that reason, every one of our units is shipped "ready to install", which means you will literally take it out of the box and bolt it on. We want you to focus on the startup procedure, not any prep work. All the sensors are tagged and labeled for you.
Our manual was assembled from all the questions I've ever had to address over the years. Every time a customer called with a new question that wasn't already covered in the manual, we updated the manual to include that information. Eventually, my phone pretty much stopped ringing with tech questions. Our manual includes a comprehensive set of instructions, component specifications, important diagrams, a troubleshooting guide, screen shots, and application references for all the components we use. It's now around 40 pages, and no other EFI company includes anything like it. That manual comes with every EFI package we ship with a Holley Terminator X ECU. This is a highly technical product requiring in-depth instructions for a successful outcome.
Most companies are more focused on sales than customer support. When you start working with us, you will see we're equally focused on both. I want every installation to be a success and for you to have. good story to tell about us.
Here's his site...check him out: https://starrperformancetuning.com/
If you need a "plug-and-play" EFI package, our own plug-in fuel maps are available for popular Ford engines, and will be available for other engines as we develop them. Our 302/331/347/363 download delivers 475-525 hp, and our download for the 427W strokers delivers 560 to 580 hp. The horsepower you achieve will depend on factors such as your cam and cylinder heads, and our fuel maps can certainly be enhanced. All of our plug-in fuel maps were developed on real engines on the dyno, not by computer simulation.
If you live in the southeast and need your EFI installed or tuned, our approved southeast service center is Smucker's Garage in High Springs, Florida. Call Sean Tucker to arrange an installation date or tuning session on your EFI: (352) 214-1836.
Our complete EFI packages include everything you'll need, starting with a Holley Terminator X computer and Holley 900 hp EFI fuel pump. We specialize in ignition systems for EFI, so when you place your order, part of our discussion will cover the ignition system you currently have to determine if yours is ok to use. Our goal is to make the process as simple as possible and to be a single point of contact for everything you'll need. You won't need to figure out or select any ancillary components yourself. We'll make sure you have everything. For example, the Holley Terminator X ECU can be connected to a laptop to go deeper into the tuning process. For this, you need Holley's USB/Can interface communication cable, part number #558-443 but it doesn't come with the Terminator X. This cable is included with our kits.
We have two EFI types with distinctly different throttle body styles. If you prefer the look of a classic Weber carburetion system, our Weber-type EFI looks just like Weber carburetors with hidden injectors and conventional fuel lines, instead of fuel rails common to EFI's. Our Weber-style EFI’s are so close in appearance and detail to actual Weber carburetors that it’s almost impossible to tell the difference. We take pride in the attention to detail we put into our Weber-style EFI units. They all have our own faux Weber I.D. plates and we use authentic Weber carburetor detailing components to make them hard to tell from carburetors. Only the sharpest eye can detect the difference between one of our Weber EFI’s and Weber carburetion.
The common question I'm asked is "I'm ready to order; what do I do next?" Step 1 in the process is to call. We will complete the build sheet for your assembly and it must be done with you over the phone. I'll ask you a series of questions to be sure every detail is correct. From the build sheet, we create your estimate with each line item individually priced with a total. This is emailed to you for your approval and you can start the order with a 50% deposit. We accept many methods of payment.
Be sure to read the payment procedure on the contact page of this website. All the details of our ordering process and for making payments can be found there.
Here’s a side-by-side comparison showing our Weber carburetion system next to our “Weber” EFI. Can YOU tell which is which?
Our instruction manual provides all the information you need to complete the setup process on your own. Nowhere else in this industry will you find an instruction package even close to it. It contains valuable reference material, screenshots, replacement sensor part numbers and vehicle application listings, an in-depth troubleshooting section, and the specifications you nneed on all the components in your EFI.
The FOR SALE page
Although it's rare, sometimes a customer may change their order and we might have an EFI available for immediate shipment. Anything like that can be found on our "FOR SALE" page. Be sure to check and see if there may be something listed there that might meet your requirements. Anything we list for sale is brand new and available for immediate shipment.
If you prefer the modern look of a state-of-the-art EFI system, our throttle bodies are the most beautiful in the industry. The unique threaded-in air horns completely eliminate the use of any screws for an exceptionally sleek and clean outer appearance.
We offer EFI systems for all the popular GM early engines and LS series, Ford 302, 351W, 351C, 427/428 FE, the Ford SOHC Cammer, Ford Coyote engines. The Chevrolet EFI's are available for smallblock, bigblock, and LS1, LS2, LS3, LS6, and LS7 engines.
Every EFI is custom-built to order. If it's your first EFI system, I offer a 100% complete package with everything you’ll need, which includes the fully assembled EFI unit ready to install, the right ECU for your specific application, a fuel pump, and an EFI-compatible ignition system, if you need one. All our kits come with my own 30-page instruction manual to guide you right through the setup process.
The photo above shows a smallblock Chevy conventional-type EFI with a polished manifold and black throttle bodies, which are both popular options. We can paint your throttle bodies in any color you wish. Just supply us with the paint code.
Other EFI companies may leave it up to you to round up all the sensors you'll need or they may supply them separately, requiring you to mount them. When your EFI assembly arrives from our shop, all sensors are mounted and labeled for you. We don't want you to figure out how to mount or identify any sensors. Our one goal is to make every installation a simple process whether you're an EFI beginner or a seasoned installer.
It may surprise you to know that some EFI suppliers don't supply ANY installation and setup instructions. Our focus is on your experience, so we want to make setting up your first tune as easy as we can for you. We also offer "plug 'n' play" fuel maps for certain engines that can be purchased and downloaded if you don't want to set up the first tune yourself.
If you're building a GT40 or a Cobra, we know authenticity is important to you. Our Weber-style throttle bodies now include our own "pseudo" factory I.D. plates for an even higher level of detail. These are exact copies of the I.D. plates that were on the earliest Weber downdrafts. If you blow-up the photo at the above right, you can see how authentic these I.D.tags look. Also notice that we install genuine factory Weber jet cover screens between the stacks. These are some of the details that set our Weber-type EFI assemblies apart.
We will include whatever engine control unit is best for your specific application. ECU technology is changing constantly and we do our best to keep changing with it. We supply and support Holley controllers because of their advanced technology and ease of use in comparison with all the others.
The right ECU is the key to any successful EFI installation. There are ECU’s made specifically for different engines. They may require very specific controls and the year of the engine sometimes makes a difference in which ECU to select.
In this industry, some ECU’s are self-learning; others aren’t. Some require a laptop and some don’t. We automatically assume you don't know anything about EFI's and that you'd probably like a self-tuning ECU with its own hand-held touch screen that leads you through the setup. That's the Holley Terminator X.
If you have an electronically controlled transmission, we will select an ECU for you that includes transmission control, or, you may need a separate trans controller. Our packages also include the right EFI fuel pump for your application.
I get asked about ignitions and distributors all the time. If you need me to select an ignition for your engine, I'll be happy to supply the matched components for a complete Dual Sync digital ignition package for your engine, including distributor, ignition box, coil, and wires.
Our goal here is to be the most customer-friendly and most comprehensive EFI supplier in this business, so if you need us to supply everything you need with one phone call, we'll do that.
So now you know why we consider our EFI package to be the most user-friendly and complete EFI available anywhere. Please keep this in mind if you're pricing others, and be sure to ask if "theirs" comes with every sensor properly mounted and labeled for you and whether they include an installation manual that covers every aspect of the installation and setup process. These are important added-value features, especially if you've never done this before.
Our typical eight-stack fuel injection packages with all the "bells and whistles" will generally come in between $8500-$9000. Individual pricing varies on each unit and depends on the selected options. For exact pricing, call or email me with your details for an accurate price quote. If you email me, I will usually get back to you that same day.
We are a Holley Direct Dealer, so Holley coms are always drop-shipped directly to you from Bowling Green, Kentucky. This cuts the transit time down and reduces the shipping charges to you. Holley's shipping charge will be shown as a separate line item on your invoice.
Terminator X software is available under the support tab at Holley.com or you can click on this link: https://www.holley.com/support/resources/#Fuel_Injection. Scroll down to find the Terminator X platform and click on the second line: Terminator X Software. Download the software allowing the program to make any changes to the laptop as prompted.
Ford 8-Stack fuel injection
Our history started with Ford engines and we continue to specialize in them today.
Ford 427 Cammer EFI
This is the ULTIMATE cammer induction system and it is an extremely limited production item. Just ten cammer manifolds were run for us in early 2024 and during the first half of this year we sold six of them. As of July 30th 2024, there are only 4 cammer manifolds left.
If you have a cammer or plan on building one of these monster engines in the future, or maybe you just want to put one on your shelf for security, this is an opportunity to secure one of the last cammer EFI's. We don't know when...or if...we will see these manifolds run again.
The cammer EFI comes with 58mm throttle bodies and 64 lb Bosche injectors, which allows this fuel injection system to support 960 hp. We know this because one of our customers achieved 966 hp at the flywheel with 865hp at the rear wheels with this EFI on his cammer.
427 Ford FE / Weber
Our 427 Ford FE is shown here with Weber-style throttle bodies in standard finishes with one option....3-1/2 velocity stacks. All of our Weber-type EFI's offer a variety of stack heights. This is a good example of enhancement for no extra cost. Just tell us what height stacks you want. Built for Frank Micknak.
Our FE units are also available with conventional ...and huge...58mm throttle bodies if the highest hp is your goal.
Fuel injected 1968 SOHC "Colliope" engine
In June 1968, HOT ROD Magazine featured this 8-stack-injected 800 hp version of Ford's SOHC cammer on its cover. The "bundle of snakes" headers were for the Ford GT's but the FIA banned American V8's because they were seen as unbeatable, and the project was killed. The only known remaining fuel-injected Colliope engine now sits at the Henry Ford Museum. This fuel injection setup was most likely a Bosch system, but HOT ROD labeled it as a "modified Hilborn setup". Either way, you can duplicate the capability of this engine with our EFI package.
The 351 Cleveland
Our 351C EFI is available in 2V, 3V, and 4V versions on the new much-improved Cleveland manifold that now includes a collective vacuum chamber for EFI. These EFI's come with Weber-type throttle bodies, making them an ideal choice for Panteras. This one features our Sunlit Gold throttle bodies on a polished manifold with 3-1/2" velocity stacks. Our reproduction Weber data plates are also clearly visible on the throttle bodies. Can you tell whether it's fuel injection or carburetors?
Built for our "Frequent Fyer" customer Frank Micknak.
Ford 351W
Our "base" 351W is pictured here, which includes our standard polished air horns and fuel rails...the EFI's most visible components. This shows our conventional throttle bodies, and these units can also be ordered with Weber carb-type throttle bodies. This unit has our 35mm "shorty" air horns, which are a no-cost option if you need additional hood clearance. These throttle bodies can also be ordered with 2", 3", and 4" air horns.
427 Ford FE with 58mm throttle bodies
The Ford 427FE conventional EFI is shown here. These come with huge 58mm throttle bodies and it's one of our lowest-profile assemblies. Look closely and you'll see this manifold also has nitrous oxide. If you want your EFI with NOS, let us know. This unit can produce over 800 horsepower on a stroked FE.
Custom-made billet manfolds for any engine
With the help of our friends at Hogan's Racing Manifolds, we can now build an 8-stack induction for virtually ANY engine on a billet aluminum manifold. Shown here is a 426 Hemi manifold fitted with LS low-profile throttle bodies and 3" air horns, which can be any length from 3/4" to 4". These manifolds are created using state-of-the-art 5-axis CNC machining, one of the most advanced processes available today. Using this technology, manifolds are carved out of a solid block of aluminum for every engine, allowing us to now offer EFI for Hemi's, 409's, Mopars, etc. Each manifold is a work of art and can even be ordered as an upgrade to one of our standard cast manifolds for an ultra-show car. Check out this fascinating video to see how these manifolds are created: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzEk7AsAQR0
Call us with your requirements.
Chevrolet EFI Systems
Our Chevrolet EFI offerings range from the standard smallblock and bigblock Chevy engines to the LS series, with manifolds for LS-1, LS-2, LS-3, and LS-6.
Our long-awaited new generation Bigblock Chevrolet EFI is shown here with conventional 50mm throttle bodies finished in black (a $475 option). The new-generation BBC manifolds have all the latest features incorporated, including extra vacuum takeoffs for accessories and an integral, direct-mount IAC motor (not a remote-type IAC). These manifolds are available in rectangular or oval port configuration.
The LS-3/LS7 "Semi Crossram" is one of our most exotic EFI''s. This is the top of the food chain if you want to make a statement with a different look in EFI. The manifold is shown here in an optional finish to match the customer's car, with polished air horns and fuel rails, standard on all our assemblies. The LS3 semi-xram EFI's all come with bright-machined billet throttle bodies and valley cover as shown.
Screens and filters
Our individual stack filters are custom-made for every type of EFI velocity stack by BBR, a leading manufacturer of individual stack filters. Our stack filters can be ordered as the flat type shown below or the round-top "Nelson" style shown here. We also offer an oval filter...one for each Weber throttle body (see them at the bottom of the 8-stack carburetion page).
What a wonderful piece of art you have sent, Thank you. The mechanic, machine shop and all friends are completely impressed. (as well as myself being very impressed)
Tim McMath
Just wanted you and your team to know the fuel Injection system you put together for us is more beautiful than I ever expected.
I am sure the performance will equal the attention to detail spent on this project.
Bob Lima
We completed the install of the 8 stack system and it is running great! We put a basic tune in the Holley Dominator ECU and got it running. We were going to fine-tune it on the dyno but so far it is learning and improving with every drive. It gives me the instant start, good idle speed, and plenty of punch from a stop. I will let you know how it improves as it gets more data.
Bruce Conwell